How to Install our Flooring
Important Information
Packaged must be acclimated a minimum of 24 to 48 hours prior to installation in the room where installation will take place.
In Rooms larger than 10 x 10m (100m^2), the flooring must be installed in smaller sections with expansion joints.
Never Install Very heavy pieces of furniture such as kitchen islands/cabinets on top of the flooring.
The indoor climate should have a temperature between 12-35C and relative air humidity between 30%-60%.
Always follow the floor manufactures requirement and specifications regarding subfloor preparation.
First plank, First row
Place a spacer with predicted thickness to the left and position the panel against the wall. Later, after 3 rows, you can easily position the flooring against the front wall with predicted spacers

Second Plank First Row
Press the short end of the next plank at an angle to the first one, then fold down. Complete the first row in the same way

End of First Row
At the end of the first row, put a distance 1/4” , to the wall and measure the length of the last plank to fit. Cut the last panel to correct length, recommended min length is two times the width of the plank.

Starting the Second Row
Position the remaining part of the first row’s last plank as first plank of second row. Keep again two times the width as min length. Put a distance against the wall.

Staggering Joints
Distances between short ends. Minimum distance between short ends of planks in parallel rows shall not be less than about two times the width of the plank.

Second Row
Place the plank and angle against the plank in the previous row, press forward and fold down at the same time. Leave the plank in a somewhat up angled position when the planks start to lock. To make this further easier, a wedge with the suitable angle can be placed under the plank near the short side joint as support.

Second Plank, Second Row
Place the short end of the plank at an angle against the previous installed plank and fold down all the way.

Second Plank, Second Row
Push to slide the plank against the row in front so it aligns with the first plank. Put it down like the first plank positioned tightly together. The first/previous plank can now be folded completely down to horizontal position and if a wedge is used it can be moved to the next short end joint.

Keep the Distance
After 2-3 rows. Adjust the distance to the front wall by placing distances. Keep the distance in position during the entire time of installation and remove once the installation is completed.

Last Row (and perhaps the first row)
Minimum width 50mm Place a spacer to the wall before measuring. Make a simple drawing tool (piece of wood with a hole) and mark the panel along the wall. Cut the panels lengthwise including the flexible tongues.

Installation Around Radiator / Heating Pipes
Drill holes two times larger than the diameter of the pepes. Remove a piece of the panel with a utility knife. Put the panel on one side of the pipes and the removed piece on the other side

Installation When Angling is not possible
Remove the vertical locking part of the strip with a chisel, put applicable glue on the strip and push the panels horizontally together. Place some spacers between last board and the wall